Your goddess is the Demiurge and not my God.....
LMAO! And you are a scared little child scared of your loving daddy as he penetrates you between the cheeks as you "prey" to him.
This happens every time you pray to him. That is your consent for the proper spelling of prayer is "P R E Y."
As shown by your lack of profile picture. Do you have any idea how many Christians I have lectured without a profile picture?
That is because they are too much coward or too much stupid to post one. You are suffering from abused child syndrome.
My Southern Baptist Calvinistic Preacher Dad used to say, "God plans everything in our lives, just like a carpenter plans the placement of every board in the house."
That is the definition of Omniscient (all knowing) and Omnipotent (all powerful).
And Christians continue to make excuses for your very abusive father.
What Christian hasn't said, "I guess, god only gives trials to those who can handle them."
So, he just continues to prey on you. Not only are millions of Christians combined dumber than a 2-year-old Autistic Orangutan they are fools as well.
Have you not noticed how everything on this planet is upside down?
Foods that should be good for you are all but.
Jobs that should be good for you are all but.
Vaccines that should be good for you are all but.
Medicines that should be good for you are all but.
Religions that should be good for you are all but.
Places that should be at peace are all but.
Governments that should be good are all but.
People who should be compassionate or even assertive are all but.
And yet your little minds stand in denial of all of the above to the deprement of yourself and your children and your children's children for generations after, for the fear of losing the love of your loving Father, because what is the cost of that?
What kind of loving Father is that? How can you, being the consenter of all of the above crimes feel that you are not deserving of the Heaven that you are destined to and I am about to show you?
Have you ever heard the expression, "As above so below?"
Trust me heaven is all but and Hell is all but.
The Bible is not literal it is allegorical and if you had ever taken the time to have actually read it, you just might have figured that out.
You are dealing with the biggest shyster of all time and just like the traveling salesman who shows up at your door to sell you a widget.
"He needs your consent." And once the salesman is gone and the widget disappoints. It's too late then, isn't it?
So, while I am in HELL in the arms of the Holy Spirit (The original loving Lucifer, Gaia Sophia, Lilith, Asherah, Baalet, Isis, Queen of Heaven, former wife of Yahweh before his Ar-Kaun Demon Possession which changed him into a soul and planet destroyer).
You will be in a Lucifer II (Yahweh / Jehovah) and that bastard child of a rape of the Holy Spirit, Lucifer Junior's (Jesus), built triangular UFO incarnated as a Cyborg (for nothing is replaceable on a Cyborg except the driving soul), to fight in the already lost ongoing Luciferian / Orion war, which has been ongoing since 2008. In which case you might feel right at home.
Why do you suppose Agenda 21 is in full force? They need the recruits. What Christian hasn't stood in line totally ignorant that all wars are banker's wars, with the words, "I want to meet my Jesus." on his lips?
And your shyster god will have lived up to his obligation to give you "Eternal Life" in "Heaven", literally, and you WILL not be out of his sight, at least until you are hit with an Orion soul-killing weapon or imprisoned in an Orion soul prison.
Not his fault? Right?
Lucifer II and Lucifer Junior's (Jesus), are titles inherited from the original loving Lucifer (Gaia Sophia) as a result of a rape/marriage/divorce.
For no Christian has the gift of the Holy Spirit's synchronicity. How could they? Because that would require intelligence and observance and belief to even see her gifts. You don't even have enough synchronicity to find this article. If you do, you should re-consider your stance, because the Holy Spirit has great things in mind for you. Please, choose not to miss out. Your next life incarnations will be so much more, of that I promise.
Have you ever known "Stupid" to work out well in anything?
Have you ever known someone or something dumber than a Monotheist, for even Christianity, was polytheistic until the King James Version was written by the Rothschild's Bankers in the 16th Century?
That means it only took a little over 400 years to make this "The Dumbest of white races in all of History" and I expect that trend to be ongoing.
So how do you expect these consenting Christians to come out of this well?
"Ignorance is denial and denial is consent."
It's not your fault, you and your past generations are the victim of the most devious metaphysics weapon/virus of all time, the Jesus virus.
Only the Demon possessed Lucifer II (Yahweh / Jehovah) and Lucifer Junior (Jesus) could possibly have conceived of such a devastating tool.
It's not too late if you would but just listen to your heart, because the truth in my words is written right there, right there in every cell of your body, your Akashic record.
Haven' finally heard the truth. If you set aside your Ego for just one second, just one second, your Heart will tell you the right or wrong of it.
-- Shaman Chris Gaylord
As Sherlock Holmes once said, "How do you live with those empty little minds of yours? It must be so boring."
